Implementation Framework 2.0

A Guide for EASi Clients

The EASi implementation framework is a proven approach that increases the speed and accuracy of converting from your existing equity management system to EASi’s best-in-class software. When your team makes a commitment to following the steps in the implementation framework, system conversion is straightforward, timely and successful.

Keys to Success in Implementing EASi

EASi defines success when an implementation is completed on time, within budget, and results in a system that can be confidently used during the client’s next period financial close. After hundreds of implementations, the professionals at EASi have identified five implementation success factors.

Success Factor 1 – Commit to the Project Plan. Allot the time required to keep the project on track. This may mean temporarily postponing or giving up some duties, however your commitment is critical to the timely success of your EASi implementation.

Success Factor 2 – Attend All Regularly Scheduled Implementation Calls. Your EASi Project Manager uses the implementation calls to stay on top of any issues and keep the project on track. If you don’t attend, it is impossible to determine if extra support is required to move forward.

Success Factor 3 – Have Representatives from Both Stock Option Administration and Accounting. Your implementation team must include the people who will be using EASi. The EASi system supports both the Stock Option Administration and Accounting side of your business. Since the skill sets required are quite different; having a representative from both groups is another important determinant of the project’s success. In some cases one person can handle both roles, but generally it is best to have representation in both areas at the kick-off meeting and the appropriate future meetings.

Success Factor 4 – Use Your Help Resources. If you become stuck or confused, contact your EASi Project Manager or the EASi support line at (925) 730-4301, EASi also provides an ever growing knowledgebase of important facts and tips on effective utilization of the EASi system.

Success Factor 5 – Use Third Party Consultants when Necessary. If you are converting from a legacy system such as Equity Edge or Transcentive, or simply don’t have the time to track down your stock option data, we recommend you retain an approved third party consultant. The data conversion is normally the most time consuming step in the entire implementation process, and having expert help available can be key to keeping your implementation on track.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the customer and EASi are complementary but quite different. EASi follows a self-service model, enabling you to take control of your implementation; working with your EASi Project Manager who will guide you through to completion. Key responsibilities are as follows:


  • Overall Project Management
  • Administration and Accounting Training
  • Provide Implementation Tools
  • Provide Customer Support

  • Overall Project Execution
  • Completion of all Required EASi Training
  • Data Input & Conversion
  • Verification of Data as Compared to Previous System
  • Collection of Specific Accounting Elements

Using Approved Third Party Consultants

Data Conversion is the biggest task in the implementation process. Many of EASi’s customers have benefited from engaging a third party consultant to help with this task. If you are converting from a legacy system like Equity Edge or Transcentive, we recommend that you engage an approved third party consultant to who is experienced with these data conversions. These consultants have data mapping tools and processes to get your data from your current system into EASi and to verify its accuracy. They have also worked with EASi on previous implementations and are familiar with the implementation tools and EASi data structure, which helps facilitate success. Please ask your EASi Project Manager for a list of approved third party consultants.

Target Project Plan

This plan template provides a benchmark for implementation timeframes. It is a tool that the team should use as a frame of reference during the kick-off call. Your specific plan can be compressed or expanded based on the requirements of the project and the commitment of the team.

Implementation Step



Key Deliverable

Project Kick-Off Call



Teams are identified, Project Plan is Identified and Agreed Upon

Initial Customer Training



Customer Team is Introduced to the EASi application thru a Web-Based Training Session

Data Loader Training



Customer Team is Introduced to the Data Upload Templates and Process

Data Upload & Conversion – Participant Information


Customer/Third Party Consultant

Participant Information is Uploaded Using EASi’s excel Templates

Data Upload & Conversion – Grants & Exercises


Customer/Third Party Consultant

Grants & Exercise Information is Uploaded Using EASi’s excel Templates

Admin Verification



Confirm Accuracy of Security, Participant and Grant Information

Accounting and Financial Reporting Training



Accounting representative from the Customer’s Team is introduced to the Accounting components of the EASi System

Data Upload & Conversion – Accounting Information


Customer/Third Party Consultant

Accounting Information is Uploaded Using EASi’s excel Templates

Accounting Verification



Confirm Accuracy of Accounting Information

Customer Sign-Off



Customer confirms accuracy of completed database

First Quarter Close Check-In

Next Qtr


EASi will contact the customer to verify that the system worked effectively in generating the financial numbers for the first period close

Step 1 – Kick-off Call

The purpose of the kick-off call is to introduce the teams on both sides, define roles and responsibilities, lock in a target project plan, and answer any questions. The kick-off call typically takes about 30 minutes. EASi is responsible for arranging the call and conducting the meeting. The call will include:

  • Salesperson Hand-off
  • Team Introductions
  • Primary Contact Identified from Each Side
  • Project Plan Reviewed and Accepted
  • Call Frequency Decided
  • Special Situations or Issues are Identified
  • Assign Login Credentials
  • Schedule Initial Training
  • Request for Key Documents
  • Corporate Resolution
  • Plan Documents
  • Written Authorization for SOA Access
  • Provide Upload Templates

Step 2 - Initial Customer Training

The purpose of the Initial Customer Training is to introduce the customer to the EASi application, review support tools and templates, and finally to load initial customer data. This training sessions typically takes about 90 minutes. EASi is responsible for arranging and conducting the training. The training will include:

  • Review EASi Application
  • Walk through Administration Capabilities
  • Walk through Reporting Capabilities
  • Introduction to EASi Support Tools and Templates
  • Overview of Templates
    • Participants
    • Market Price
    • Grants
    • Exercises
    • Restricted Stock Awards
    • Security Transaction
  • Load Company Security
  • Load Plans
  • Load Vesting Schedule

Step 3 - Data Loader Training

The purpose of Data Loader Training is to learn how to use the upload templates, configure and test secure FTP, and to go through some actual uploads to demonstrate how the process works. This training typically takes about 60 minutes. EASi is responsible for arranging and conducting the training.. The training will include:

  • Learn to Fill-out Templates
  • Covert Files to Text Format
  • Set-up Loader
  • Review FTP Service
    • Cute FTP/Client
    • FTP Documentation
  • Review Errors on Upload
  • Common Loader Error (Grant Date before Hire Date)

Step 4 - Data Upload & Conversion – Participant Information

With the initial training and upload procedures complete, it is now time for the customer to begin uploading data. The purpose of this Data Upload & Conversion step is to load participants, validate terminations, and validate the entire participant population. This process can typically take between # and # hours, depending on the number of participants. You are responsible for completing this step. EASi is available to provide virtual desk-side support as needed. The loading and conversion will include:

  • Load Participants using Templates
  • Validate Participant Terminations
  • Verify Lookup Tables
  • Validate Entire Participant Population

Step 5 - Data Upload & Conversion – Grants & Exercises

With participant data uploaded and verified in the previous step, it is now time for you to begin loading grants. The purpose of this Data Upload & Conversion is to load and validate grants, exercises and security transactions. This process is your responsibility and can take between # and # hours, depending on the amount and complexity of the data. EASi is available to provide virtual desk-side support as needed. The loading and conversion will include:

  • Load Grants
  • Load Exercises
  • Load Security Issues
  • Load Security Transactions
  • Run Process Vesting and Deferral
  • Load ESPP Data
  • Validate

Step 6 - Admin Verification

With all participants, grants, exercises, and transactions loaded, it is now time to begin reconciling the data in EASi with your legacy system. The purpose of the Admin Verification step is to reconcile participants, shares, and awards by using EASi reports. Any reconciling adjustments can be made through the User Interface or an EASi template. This step typically takes about 120 minutes and is the responsibility of the customer with support as needed from EASi. The Admin Verification will include:

  • Reconcile Participants
  • Reconcile Shares
  • Reconcile Awards
  • Reports to use:
    • Participant Name & Address
    • Market Price
    • Options Granted
    • Option Exercises
    • Option Forfeitures
    • Options Outstanding at any Year End
    • Restricted Stock Status
  • Reconciling Adjustments can be made through the User Interface or through an EASi Template

Step 7 - Accounting and Financial Reporting Training

The purpose of the Accounting and Financial Reporting Training is to introduce you to the EASi application’s accounting and financial reporting, review accounting templates, and focus on getting historical data correct before moving forward. This step typically takes about 120 minutes. EASi is responsible for arranging and conducting the training.. The training will include:

  • Walk through key Accounting and Financial Reporting
  • Review Templates
    • Service Period Overrides
    • Fair Value Overrides
    • Forfeitures
  • Focus on Getting the Historical Data Right First, Before Moving Forward

Step 8 - Accounting Data Conversion and Upload

After you are trained on the accounting functionality of the EASi application and all participants, grants, and exercises have been loaded, it is now time for you to begin loading tax rates, volatility, experience groups, expected life, forfeitures, fair value overrides, services period overrides and performance factors. This step is your responsibility and can take about 120 minutes, depending on the amount and complexity of the data. EASi is available to provide virtual desk-side support as needed. The Accounting Data includes:

  • Tax Entity/Rate
  • Volatility
  • Experience Groups
    • Define
    • Upload Assignments
  • Expected Life
    • By Experience Group
    • By Vesting Schedule
  • Forfeitures
  • Fair Value Overrides
  • Service Period Overrides
  • Performance Factors (if any)

Step 9 - Accounting Verification

With all accounting data loaded, it is now time to complete the last major step and verify the accounting data. The purpose of the Accounting Verification step is to reconcile fair value, expensing, and dilution. This step is your responsibility and can take about 120 minutes, depending on the amount and complexity of the data. EASi is available to provide virtual desk-side support as needed.. The Accounting Verification will include verifying:

  • Fair Value
  • Expensing/Schedules
  • Common Equivalence
  • A240
  • APIC Calculations
  • Dilution
  • Reports:
    • Expense Accrual
    • Fair Value Detail
    • Award Detail
    • Payroll Tax Report

Step 10 - Customer Sign-off and Acceptance

Once the implementation team has completed steps 1-9, EASi will ask you to sign a formal acceptance which signifies that the implementation process has been completed. . Once the sign-off occurs, the customer will receive ongoing support through EASi’s customer service department at (925) 730-4301,

Step 11 - Next Quarter Close Follow-up

As a commitment to world-class service, EASi will follow-up with you at the close of the quarter immediately following the sign-off and acceptance. If any issues are identified during the quarter close, EASi will work with you to provide the appropriate solution which may include additional training and support.

After EASi is up and running, you can take advantage of our automated case management system if you need additional customer support.

Ongoing Case Management

EASi follows a systematic case resolution process to rapidly categorize the nature of the case as an enhancement request, bug, data issue or training issue. Customers can go online to open a case, check status of an existing case and submit input or attachments to help EASi troubleshoot or replicate the problem. EASi is committed to identifying the nature of a case and providing a meaningful customer response within 48 hours.